process credit

You Process Payments In The Merchant Service Center and your client receives an emailed receipt with each approved billing. The service desk and/or the owner can automatically generate e-invoices for any outstanding balances that may be owed with a built-in payment link for 24/7 e-payments. The office then can automatically generate e-invoices for any outstanding balances that may be owed with a built-in payment link for 24/7 e-payments.

I contacted my lawyer, local sheriffs office, and bank. The local sheriffs office sent a subpoena to Intuit, with much delay, and is still waiting for any information. What really gets me, is that Intuit has never given any thing other than an email and telling me this info over the phone. No real explanation in writing, a typed letter explaining the situation, nor any real detail as to the actual amount total, or any dates as to the account change. Karen, I received another email this afternoon, stating that I owe $18,858.00 in charge backs and penalties, and my account is past due, and of course, its all my fault. I forwarded this onto my sheriffs office, and he will pass it on to the FBI. The FBI did let the my officer know that he is also working on other cases with the same complaints.

Get solutions to all of your accounting and bookkeeping problems with industry leading experts

We provide the flexibility of you need today when processing payments whether in-person, ahead of service, or after service. Our payment processing workflow experts will work hard to understand how you do business and then help to proactively solve your problems. Regardless of what kind of professional services you offer, we understand your challenges and know that one size does not fit all.


Over a three-month period, Intuit Merchant Services customer support staff repeatedly told us, verbally, not to be concerned, that our account wasn’t at risk. Imagine our surprise when we received a bill for $40,000 in January, with threats to turn the account over for collection and legal action. We were accused of having stolen the money ourselves. You will be wasting countless hours for being on hold.

Banking Transactions

I received multiple charge back notices from them, so I called to see where things were and if they were able to catch who had done this. When I read my “Terms and Conditions”, I saw what they said, but also saw that it stated that any suspicious activity, unusual or high risk activity, they would suspend the account. I went with Intuit thinking they were someone I could trust so something like this wouldn’t happen. I was using the processing center for about $1,000 per month on a normal basis, this $40k+ worth of charges happened in 3 consecutive days, and ended up being over 20 separate charges. Today I’ve decided to no longer accept or process via Intuit.

  • Now after telling me my online copy of bank statements are not sufficient I went to the branch and have them print a copy and stamp it.
  • I was able to reach out to Mike in Cambridge, Maryland, as well as another gentleman based in Florida.
  • So Friday I called and asked if they have everything and the guy claimed they did and if they need anything they’ll either call or send an email.